Professional Pharmacy Services in Mississauga That You Can Trust
To help improve your health and wellbeing, our dedicated staff can assist you with the following pharmacy services.

Free Custom Blister Packaging
Never miss your pills again. Let us help you simplify your medication regimen with compliance packaging. Convenient and travel friendly, the blister packs can be organized by time and day to help you keep track of your medications. They can be dispensed on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly frequency.

Free Medication Review
Receive one-on-one personalized medication advice with a pharmacist regarding your medications. Did you know that you are eligible for an annual MedsCheck if you have a valid Ontario Health Card and take a minimum of 3 prescription medications for chronic conditions? If you are physically unable to leave your home, we can conduct a MedsCheck at your home.

Vaccine Administration
Pick up your vaccine prescription and have it administered at the same time! Our pharmacists are injection certified and can administer a wide range of vaccines, including vaccines for: flu, HPV, shingles, travel, and pneumonia.

Free Local Prescription Delivery
We deliver your prescription medications right to your home.

Prescribing for Minor Ailments
Our pharmacists can prescribe (if appropriate) for minor ailments, including urinary tract infections, yeast infections, cold sores, acid reflux, and hemorrhoids. The service is at no cost with an Ontario Health Card and can be done in person or telephone. Call us to book an appointment with a pharmacist. Click here for the full list of minor ailments in scope.

Opioid Agonist Maintenance Treatment
Our pharmacists are highly trained and qualified in methadone preparation and dispensing in addition to Suboxone dispensing. Our pharmacy is open every day of the year except Christmas and New Year's Day, offering a convenient location for patients who require daily opioid agonist therapy.
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